Collegium Charter School 150, 468 and 500 Buildings (K - 6th Grades)
District School Bus Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures - August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The district bus routes for K - 6th grade students are the same as 2023-2024. You will begin at the 150 building (K - 4th grades), then travel through the 515 building lot to James Hance Court to the 500 building (5th & 6th grades) and then travel to our newest buildings, 468 & 486 Thomas Jones Way (K- 4th) to complete your CCS route. NOTE: Kindergarten students do not start school until Thursday, August 22nd.
AM Drop-off
- Enter the Collegium Campus from Oaklands Boulevard.
- Take the 1st left and proceed to the rear of the 150 building.
- If you have students to drop-off at the 150 building, continue through the "loop" at the back of the 150 building.
- If you do not have students, continue around the back of the 150 building, turning left into the 515 building lot.
- Continue through the east side of the 515 building lot to turn right onto James Hance Court
- Proceed on James Hance Court to the 500 building bus loop on the left of the cul-de-sac.
- After drop-off at the 500 building is complete, turn right out of the 500 building bus loop.
- Make the left turn onto Creamery Way to travel to the 468/486 Thomas Jones Way building.
- Turn left into the "rear" of the 468 building.
- Proceed straight to the "bus" door to drop students off.
- After drop-off is complete, proceed straight to exit the building and the campus.
PM Pick-Up
NOTE: It is NECESSARY for all buses to stage/pick-up at the 150 building before entering the 500 or 468/486 building bus loops.
- As the buses enter the staging areas at the 150 building the bus information is forwarded to the 500 and 468/486 buildings to prepare students for boarding at their building.
- If your district and bus number is not clearly visible, please make sure that dismissal personnel at the 150 building are aware of the correct district and bus number for your route.
- Enter the Collegium Campus from Oaklands Boulevard.
- Take 1st right off Oaklands Boulevard to enter the 150 building lot.
- Take the 1st left and proceed to the rear of the 150 building.
- Buses queue at the 150 building before proceeding to the other buildings; please follow CCS staff instructions for completing the pick-up loop.
- Please do not block the intersection between the buildings.
- After pick-up is complete at the 150 building, wait for CCS personnel to release you to the 500 building bus loop.
NOTE: CCS personnel will be assisting with traffic control and will release the buses from the 150 building bus loop to proceed to the 500 building bus loop when space is available in the bus loop. Please do not enter James Hance Court until cleared by CCS personnel.
- Once CCS personnel release the buses from the 150 building bus loop, continue through the east side of the 515 building lot to turn right onto James Hance Court
- Follow James Hance Court to enter the 500 building bus loop on the left (3rd left) off cul-de-sac.
- Once pick-up is complete at the 500 building bus loop, turn right out of the loop to exit James Hance Court.
- Turn left onto Creamery Way and proceed to the rear entrance of the 468/486 Thomas Jones Way building.
- Proceed straight to the "bus" door, CCS personnel will be on hand to help direct you to the proper loading area.
- Once pick-up is complete, proceed straight to exit the building and CCS campus to begin your run.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students
During the first several weeks of school, Kindergarten and 1st grade students will be wearing color-coded wristbands. Parents, guardians and teachers of these students will be asked to ensure that their students are wearing these wristbands for both the morning and afternoon rides.
- Kindergarten and 1st grade students that are designated as "bus riders" at the 150 building will be wearing YELLOW wristbands.
- Kindergarten and 1st grade students that are designated as "bus riders" at the 468 building will be wearing WHITE wristbands.
- Kindergarten and 1st grade students that are designated as "parent pick-ups" will be wearing BLUE wristbands.
- Kindergarten and 1st grade students that are designated as "CCS After School Care" will be wearing RED wristbands.
Please note: If a student is wearing a BLUE or RED wristband and is on your bus at DISMISSAL, please notify CCS staff prior to leaving the bus loop so the student can be removed from the bus and redirected by CCS staff to the proper dismissal station.
Photo of CCS drop-off and pick-up Map