Mission: Promoting healthy school communities for students, staff and faculty by aligning health and education to support the whole child and academic achievement.
The Downingtown Area School District is committed to the safety and wellness of our staff, students and others in our communities. Our goal is to provide wellness opportunities, options and guidance through education, presentations and community activities.About the Wellness Committee
Vision: Work purposefully toward enhancing the mental, social, emotional and physical health of staff and students in order to achieve higher student academic achievement, increased staff satisfaction, a positive school climate, greater efficiency and the development of a school culture that promotes and enhances student growth.
Who we are: The DASD Wellness Advisory Council includes school administrators, human resources, food service, pupil services, athletics, community prevention partners, communications, and school board.
What we do: The DASD Wellness Advisory Council uses data to create health improvement plans at the district level and K-12 building level. These plans address policies, curricula, partnerships with schools, communities, and families, and initiatives to promote healthy behaviors which enhance learning and academic success.
How we promote health and learning in DASD: Each K-12 building has a School Health Council, which is led by the principal, and includes representation from teachers, school nurses, school counselors, food service, parents and community prevention partners. Each building develops a health improvement plan each school year which includes strategies to promote student and faculty health and wellness. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth
Contact Us: If you need additional assistance, please contact Sarah Brooks at 610-269-2420 x11453
Wellness Goals
Goal 1 - To increase protective factors and decrease risk factors associated with the use and abuse of harmful substances and behaviors
K-12 evidence - based curriculum
Cessation programs and resources
Policy violators support
Goal 2 - To promote safe and supportive schools for positive school culture, and healthy social and emotional development
Review evidence-based social and emotional learning K-12 programs
Identify DASD K-12 SEL programs currently in place
Select SEL district-wide SEL program
Goal 3 - Sustain a healthy school environment for healthy eating and physical activity
Communication of K-12 wellness policy with administrators and staff
Explore recess options
Compliance with PDE for healthy eating and physical activity
Goal 4 - To promote a healthy school environment to meet the health and wellness needs of DASD staff
Determines staff wellness needs
Communication of staff wellness resources and programs
Engage staff in district HR wellness programs and resources
Goal 5 - To support families in the DASD to meet the health and wellness needs of youth
Parent survey to solicit parent feedback on programs and resources
Planning and facilitating parent speaker series (virtual, in-person, webinars, podcasts)
Communication through Parent - 2- Parent program K-12