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Flexible Instructional Day (FID)

DASD prioritizes in-person education. However, inclement weather can sometimes impact the district's ability to safely provide in-person instruction. In these instances, the district plans to utilize Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs). The Pennsylvania Department of Education allows public schools to hold a maximum of five Flexible Instructional Days (FID) per year that allow students and staff to learn and work remotely during emergency/inclement weather days. These five FIDs count as school days, and are not required to be made up at a later date.

Expectations for students

  • The first five (5) emergency/inclement weather days will be held as FID/virtual days.   
    Marshmallow snowman in cup of hot chocolate
    • All brick and mortar K-12 programs will begin virtually at 9:00 A. M. and end at 1:30 P. M.  
      • Secondary-level DCA procedures will be communicated separately. 
      • Elementary DCA students should follow the CCIU inclement weather plans.
      • TCHS students should follow their DASD schedule. 
    • All classes will include a live zoom session, including direct instruction and live support during student work time.
  • Students are expected to attend all classes via zoom utilizing the schedule below. If a student will not be present online, regular attendance policy should be followed.
  • Should emergency/inclement weather conditions interfere with access to virtual classes, DASD may elect to switch to a full-closure, with all classes canceled. In that case, weather make-up days will be utilized per the district calendar schedule.
  • Additional emergency/inclement weather days beyond the five FIDs will be full closures and all in-person and virtual classes will be canceled In these cases, weather make-up days will be utilized per the district calendar schedule.

FID Schedules

All levels will begin at 9:00 A.M. and end at 1:30 P.M.


  • Students should bring their devices home every night
  • There are a limited number of loaner internet hot spot devices available to borrow if internet connection is a concern in your home. Please reach out to your school principal if you would like to borrow a hot spot.
  • Please reach out to service desk if you need support accessing Classlink, Schoology or any other district systems.

Frequently Asked Questions