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Gold Award of Excellence in School Purchasing Operations

     Gold Award of Excellence in School Purchasing Operations

The Downingtown Area School District was the recipient of the Gold Award of Excellence in School Purchasing Operations by the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials during the PASBO annual conference in March of 2020. Downingtown is the only school district in PA to receive the Gold Award twice. The award is designed to recognize professionalism, efficiency and leadership in school purchasing. Applying for and winning the award identifies Downingtown as a district that places importance on the purchasing function.  It highlights the success of the district. 

District entities are eligible to apply for the award every three years.  The Award of Excellence was received by the district in 2014.  The Gold Award of Excellence was received in 2017 and 2020.

Purchasing oversees the operation of all procurement activities and reviews and approves all purchase orders. The Downingtown Area School District is part of the Chester County Intermediate Joint Purchasing Consortium. 

The CCIU goes out to bid for Copy Paper, Binder Combs, Athletic Supplies, Custodial Supplies, Mulch and Fuel. E-School Mail is used for this county bidding process.

The CCIU Consortium also provides approved vendor discount bids. These bids are valid for the entire school year and are the primary source for orders.