All three Downingtown High Schools offer exploratory internship opportunities. Students may sign up for short term or long term experiences with qualified local businesses. Through this program, students experience the business environment first hand and get a good look at a chosen field before graduating high school.
Dr. Troy Podell, Supervisor of Teaching & Learning said of the program, "DASD provides students with first-in-class opportunities to explore the world of careers while in high school. Employers are eager to work with DASD students and graduates because of the amazing education they receive in our schools, and the equally amazing communities from which they come. No matter what field of endeavor a student wishes to pursue, someone in our orbit is able to help them make connections and take their next steps into the larger world after high school.”
STEM Academy graduate Eric McMillan added, “The experience showed me how different parts of a global company can work together to create success. Through the group project I was able to see how people collaborated in a corporate environment. It was helpful to see how every part of a business affects every other part of the business – no one department can work on its own.”
For additional information, please contact Dr. Podell at (610) 269-8460, Ext. 11314.