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Meetings & Committees

Monthly Board Meetings

The Board of Directors of the Downingtown Area School District hold a monthly public meeting on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM (unless noted).  Special Board meetings are called as needed.  All School Board meeting dates and times can be found below. These meetings take place in the District's Administration Office, 540 Trestle Place, Downingtown. Past meetings can be viewed for 30 days online on YouTube.  The public is encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings.

Committee of the Whole

The Downingtown Area School District Board of Directors is using the "Committee of the Whole" meeting process.  The "Committee of the Whole" allows the School Board to consider agenda items as one large committee for the purposes of discussion and debate.  The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

The following committees will report at the Committee of the Whole:  Curriculum, Facilities, Finance, Governance, Personnel, Policy, and Technology. This process gives all members the opportunity to hear and comment about suggested agenda items.  The finalized agenda will appear at the Board's regularly scheduled Board meeting that is held on the second Wednesday of each month.  

All Committee of the Whole meetings will take place in the James E. Watson Staff Development Room at the Administrative Office, 540 Trestle Place, Downingtown on the first Wednesday of the month and will begin at 6:30 PM.  Past meetings can be viewed for 30 days online on YouTube.

Board Docs

BoardDocs is a paperless meeting software designed to house School Board meeting and Committee of the Whole agendas, minutes and policies.

  • For agendas and minutes 2022-2023 and later, please visit the BoardDocs website.
  • For agendas and minutes prior to 2021-2022 please contact Board Secretary Virginia Warihay at

Board Committee Overview



Chair and Vice Chair
Caryn Ghrayeb (Chair)
Margie Miller (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaison
Louis Chance, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent - Elementary (K-6)


Chair and Vice Chair
Lisa Strobridge (Chair)
Mindy Ross (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaisons
Dale Lauver, Director of Facilities
Kelly Harper


Chair and Vice Chair
Lee Wisdom (Chair)
Jane Bertone (Vice Chair)  

Administrative Liaison
David Matyas, Business Manager


Chair and Vice Chair
Jane Bertone (Chair)
Lisa Strobridge (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaison
Caroline Duda, Ph.D., Director of Human Resources 


Chair and Vice Chair
Madhu Gurthy (Chair)
Caryn Ghrayeb (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaison
Robert Reed, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent - Secondary (7-12)

Student Life

Chair and Vice Chair
Lee Wisdom (Chair)
Madhu Gurthy (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaisons
Justin Brown, Director of Student Relations and School Climate


Chair and Vice Chair
Mindy Ross (Chair)
Madhu Gurthy (Vice Chair)

Administrative Liaison
Gary Mattei, Ed.D., Director of Technology